locationLawyers in College Station and Waco representing cases across Texas
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      When We Are Fighting For You In The Courtroom, The Game Changes

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      Have you been charged with a drug offense? If so, you are staring down a jail sentence, criminal fines, and a lifelong criminal record. Drug possession charges can haunt you for the rest of your life. If convicted, you could face life-long negative consequences that can severely impact future opportunities. For example, drug convictions often make it difficult to find gainful employment, obtain housing, hold a professional license, or even cause you not to be able to attend the college or university of your choice.

      One of the most important steps you can take to obtain the best possible outcome for yourself is to hire a hardworking drug crime attorney. In addition, we work hard to ensure that we maintain a high degree of confidence in each attorney-client relationship with those who choose us to represent them.

      We understand that every individual case is different but also recognize that anyone charged with a drug offense is apprehensive as to what the future may bring. Whether you have been charged with possession, manufacture, sale, or delivery of a controlled substance, you can depend on a College Station drug possession lawyer to launch the high-powered defense you need.



      When you choose The Greening Law Group, you have a clear advantage in terms of legal representation. Some of the benefits of choosing our law firm include:

      • 26+ years of legal experience
      • Former prosecutor building your defense
      • Great case results, even in tough felony cases
      • Texas Board Certified in Criminal Law

      Our lead attorney, Craig Greening, is a former prosecutor who has the benefit of an insider’s perspective on how to deal with any of the various legal issues that may surround your case. He also has extensive knowledge of the criminal justice system and how to protect your legal rights.

      When you need a drug possession lawyer with the proven resolve, talent, and tenacity to guard your future, turn to our College Station defense firm.

      We are not afraid to present a strong and aggressive defense on your behalf. Often the police and prosecutors are overenthusiastic when it comes to filing charges related to drug crimes. We pledge to fully examine every aspect of your case to ensure that your rights are protected. For example, often, the police have failed to adequately establish the necessary probable cause that was needed in order to obtain search warrants for your home or vehicles. If we can prove that the search warrants were invalid, evidence that was obtained during the illegal search can be thrown out of court.

      As criminal defense attorneys, we understand your fears and concerns. Our law firm is committed to helping you navigate the complex laws that relate to drug charges in Texas.


      The Greening Law Group has a proven track record when it comes to successfully defending drug possession charges in Texas courts. Because drugs have such a detrimental effect on society, the prosecution is eager to press charges to feel that they are helping society be free of illegal drugs.

      We are privileged to have a legal team who has a vast amount of experience defending many various types of drug possession cases.

      Some of the drug possession charges we defend include:

      Our firm can defend you no matter what type of drug charges you are facing. Some of the more common types of drug possession charges that we defend include the following:

      • Marijuana possession
      • Methamphetamine possession
      • Ecstasy possession
      • Cocaine possession
      • Heroin possession
      • Illegal possession of prescription drugs
      • Illegal possession of anabolic steroids

      We also defend drug possession charges that involve the illegal possession of PCP, LSD, Xanax, and codeine.

      If you have been charged with any of these types of drug offenses, you need to seek the help of a drug possession attorney in College Station. Our law group will be happy to review your criminal charges and counsel you as to the best approach to take to successfully handle your legal issues.

      One of the next steps that you need to take after being arrested is to speak with a drug crime attorney from our team immediately to learn how we can protect you.


      Each individual drug possession case is different based on its circumstances and other factors. Therefore, there is no one size fits all answer when new clients ask if they will have to go to jail for a drug possession charge.

      One of the most important aspects of your criminal case will be how the state of Texas decides to classify your drug possession charge. If your case is charged as a misdemeanor, you may have a better chance of receiving a lighter sentence as opposed to an individual who has been charged with felony drug possession.

      The prosecution and the judge will evaluate many factors before deciding on your case. The Greening Law Group has had great success in negotiating plea deals with the prosecutor, allowing many of our clients to serve probation and perform community service rather than go to jail. In other instances, we were able to have our clients placed in drug rehabilitation programs to get them the professional help they needed.


      After you have been arrested and are now facing a drug charge, you need a criminal defense lawyer who will not be afraid to stand up to the state prosecutors and not be afraid to provide you with an aggressive defense.

      One of the first steps that we take with each new client is to sit down and let them tell us their side of the story. At the Greening Law Group of College Station, TX, we believe that a strong attorney-client relationship is key to a successful defense. We understand that even the most law-abiding people can make poor choices that can get them into legal trouble. We are passionately committed to protecting your future and ready to advocate on your behalf.

      A criminal conviction for possession of illegal drugs can stay on your permanent criminal record forever. Criminal convictions for drug possession can impede your ability to obtain gainful employment, hold a professional license, own, and possess a firearm, and not be allowed to vote.

      Not hiring a qualified drug possession attorney to defend yourself against drug crime charges is one of the worst mistakes that you can make. The laws that surround illegal drug possession can be overly complex and extremely difficult to understand without the assistance of a skilled criminal defense lawyer.

      In a free case review, we can begin evaluating your defense options and help you know what to expect from your drug crime case as it continues through the legal system. With our dedicated College Station drug possession lawyers, you will find a knowledgeable and aggressive defense team that can get the desired results you need. Call to find out how we can start defending your rights today.