Conspiracy charges involve complicated legal concepts and principles. Having an experienced College Station conspiracy lawyer who understands the law is vital to putting forth the best defense for your case.
The Greening Law Group could help you identify potential weaknesses in the prosecution’s case, protect your rights, and present a strong defense. We are here to help you succeed in defending your conspiracy case. Call to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney today.
Conspiracy is when two or more people agree to commit an illegal act and then do something in furtherance of that agreement. It is important to understand that you do not have to be the one who actually committed the offense to be charged with conspiracy, so long as you helped plan the crime.
Depending on the situation, you can be charged with conspiracy in either state or federal court. Hiring a defense lawyer in College Station is essential if you are charged with conspiracy. This could make a significant difference in obtaining a winning outcome.
In a conspiracy case, the prosecutor must prove that there was an agreement between defendants to commit an illegal act and that each defendant knowingly participated. A College Station conspiracy attorney may question the alleged agreement or your involvement. However, they must analyze the evidence and identify alternate explanations of what occurred.
When defending against a conspiracy case, it is important to have a knowledgeable legal team to discuss all your potential defense options, including the following:
To be charged with conspiracy, the prosecutor must prove there was an agreement. A conspiracy lawyer could argue that there was no agreement or that the alleged crime was not part of a coordinated plan.
You may have a defense if you withdrew from the conspiracy before any criminal act was committed. To withdraw, you typically must prove that you took affirmative steps to leave the conspiracy.
To prove conspiracy, there must be an underlying crime. You would have to prove that you did nothing to further a crime and that no illegal act was actually committed.
If you were forced to participate in the conspiracy under the threat that you or someone close to you may be harmed, you may have a viable defense to a conspiracy charge.
If accused of conspiracy, you may be able to prove that you were not present at critical times while the alleged act was taking place. Your attorney may want to call alibi witnesses who can say you were with them or present time-stamped evidence that can prove you were not there during the crime.
Defending a criminal conspiracy case can be complicated. Choosing a winning lawyer ensures your defense is well-prepared.
A College Station conspiracy lawyer could guide you through every step of the criminal process. Your attorney could help you investigate the case and evaluate the prosecutor’s evidence, talk with potential witnesses, and determine any
Greening Law Group’s mission is to win in the courtroom and in life to help you succeed and move forward. Schedule an initial consultation with our reliable legal professionals today to learn more.